Wednesday, August 31, 2016

I ask a lot of questions

I know that it can seem a over-kill, when you are just coming to Linde Esthetics for a simple wax, and we have you fill out paperwork asking what seems like a million questions. "What health conditions do you have?" What medications are you currently taking?" What products do you apply to your skin?"  Believe it or not, these are really important questions.  Your answers give me an idea of how healthy your skin is, and highlight areas of concern.  There are times when it is not in your best interest to get a wax service, and your answers to the questions asked will indicate when.  For example, if you are a Retin-A user, the top layer of skin can easily peel off when waxing the eyebrows or lip.  So the next time you come in, please bear with me as I review your information. I want to provide you with the best possible service.

This is a picture I pulled from the internet. Not my client.